The Ki67 antibody is considered a nuclear protein, expressed primarily in the proliferating cells. It is preferentially expressed during the late S-, M-, G1- and G2-phases on the cell’s cycle, while cells in the quiescent phase are primarily negative for the protein. It is mainly designed for research only and has no available clones. The IG isotype is the Rabbit IgG, and the epitope is undetermined at this time. It also has a molecular weight of either 345 or 395 kDa. Likewise, it has been human tested and is designed for Immunohistochemistry applications.
The IHC Procedure
The procedure starts with the specimen preparations, using Formalin-fixed tissues in paraffin. The slides should be deparaffinized using xylene or an alternative, as well as graded alcohols.
When purchasing the concentrated formulation of the Ki67 antibody, it is recommended to dilute it using a ratio of 1:300. However, the dilution amount is an estimate; you may have different preferences based on protocols and methods used.
To retrieve the antigen, you will boil your tissue sections for 10 minutes in a 10mM citrate buffer with a pH of 6.0. Afterward, the antibody will need to be cooled to room temperature for approximately 20 minutes. The incubation period is for 10 minutes at room temperature.
The positive control for the Ki67 includes breast carcinoma, lymph node, and tonsil, with a cellular localization in the nucleus.
Purchase Options
This product comes in a 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 7.0 ml, and 1.0 ml version, all placed in a PBS/1 percent BSA buffer with a pH of 7.6 and less than 0.1 percent of sodium azide.
The Ki67 antibody is an excellent choice when doing laboratory work relating to the lymph nodes, breast carcinomas, and the tonsils. Visit Spring Bioscience now to learn more.