How Much Solar Power Do I Need for My NJ Home?

by | Feb 5, 2021 | Solar Panels

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Every home is different. There are unique factors that come into play to determine the sufficient amount of solar panels that are need to run a house. On top of that, solar power generation would also depend on your roofing, location, and shading around your area. You must place solar panels in a spot that receives direct sunlight throughout the day and that is south facing.

Solar companies, including Green Power Energy, have solar photovoltaic experts ensuring that your solar system meets all your household energy needs. Whether your energy consumption is high or not, your solar arrays’’ size needs to fulfill your energy requirements throughout the year. On average, a house that is about 1,500 square feet with a monthly electricity bill of around $100 will require (16) 350 watt panels. The correct amount of solar panels is integral to power an entire household.

However, solar arrays can produce a surplus over what the home needs in real time. What happens to the extra electricity? You can maximize the excess solar power for future usage or through its added benefits.

Maximize Your Solar Capacity Through Solar Batteries

The advancements of solar technology led to the emergence of a new way to take advantage of excess solar power. Solar batteries integrated into solar systems can help you effectively utilize solar energy when the sun is out and the grid is down. A solar battery system connects to a photovoltaic (PV) system to maximize the solar energy produced. Thus, the solar panels can use the surplus energy collected during the day to power the home during outages.

Net Metering in New Jersey

Net metering in New Jersey helps solar customers maximize the production from their solar array. NJ solar producers can receive full retail credit on their electricity bills for excess energy from their solar array that gets put in the grid.In other words, you will pay the net of your energy usage each month. . The utility meter will issue a credit to solar customers for producing surplus solar energy while simultaneously charging them from pulling from the grid. The ideal situation would be for the bill to net at $0 at month’s end.

Calculating the Solar Potential of Your NJ Home

Calculating your NJ home’s solar potential allows you to determine the number of solar panels you need. You can do this by checking your electric bills from the past year or two. You can find your electricity bill history on the online portal of your provider more often than not. Plus, you can find a spreadsheet of your previous bills along with the annual kWh that you spend. It is more important to get yearly kWh usage instead of monthly electricity production. The information about your yearly electricity usage is vital to anticipate the system size you will require.

To put everything into perspective, sizing your solar system based on your typical energy consumption is the most practical way to know how much solar power you need. It also allows you to power your entire home for the whole year.

Although solar arrays produce different amounts of energy throughout the year, net metering helps you account for these differences. Net metering provides credits to solar users for every watt of excess solar energy produced.

For more information, please visit Green Power Energy.