Engineers Use Holograms to Showcase Products Before They’re Even Built

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Science and Technology

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Think about your wildest ideas for a product. There’s a good chance that you’d never be able to share these with an actual customer because they’re too outlandish. By the time they’re actually finished and you have a prototype to show off, the rest of the market could have caught up and brought similar things to market.

Some engineers working for startup companies have elected to use 3D hologram display technology so that they can show off devices that don’t even exist yet. That gives them the freedom to demonstrate things well before any of their competitors start selling anything similar. Others have used a 3D hologram display to gauge whether or not there’s a market for something before they start producing it. Once they have a better understanding of what their potential customers want, these developers will be able to tailor their designs to these needs.

Specialists who’ve heavily invested in training programs for their customers have found that even adding a single 3D hologram display can help them to share skills with their clients. They can use this kind of display technology to project a simulation of a device that their trainees can then experiment with. Even looking at a real-time image of a piece of equipment can help to dramatically improve comprehension levels when it comes to working with sophisticated computer technology.

Pseudo-3D displays are likely to start appearing in a variety of corporate environments as well, which is helping to increase the potential market demand for this technology.