Information is the most important asset in the medical sector at large, and that counts twice as much for mental health centers— where the tiniest detail can have the biggest impact. Keeping track of patients effectively and comprehensively requires acute attention to detail on the part of the staff, as well as ample access to information. Using mental health EHR software improves the efficiency of both processes.
1. Reduce Wasted Staff Time
Forcing office staff to flip back and forth between electronic information and paper records wastes valuable time with unnecessary busywork. A medical office can be a hectic place with patients’ needs coming from every direction, whether it’s a phone call to schedule an appointment, or a question for the doctor. The thing that remains consistent in all of these situations, though, is that it is woefully inefficient for an employee to sift through papers and their computer at the same time to find information.
2. Avoid Making Mistakes
It is easy to make mistakes when you’re trying to juggle too many different sources of information and tasks all at once. It takes a single slip-up to file a paper in the wrong place or take an incorrect insurance policy number down, which can cause mistakes of both small and large magnitudes. Using software that streamlines these processes can help to avoid everything from missing patient records to incorrect prescriptions being sent out.
3. Cut Back on Unnecessary Procedures
The University of South Florida describes using an EHR as the difference between being able to access a comprehensive history and chart with a single click, rather than the traditional snapshot-like view given during a visit. This further underlines the need to avoid replicating tests or treatment options where redundancy may not be apparent due to lack of information. EHRs solve this problem.
Using an EHR will not only improve the efficiency of your behavioral health center, but also ensure that your patients receive the best care and treatment possible. In the end, it all comes back to information.